Selasa, Februari 10, 2009

Palestine Issue: Comment on

Assalamualaykum Yg Bhg Tun,
As you point out, the dilemma we are facing in Palestine are not as simple as ‘jihad’ and ‘syahid’. However to deny the war over there as not Jihad and the dead are not syahid are also not an options as in their cases that is the most legitimate reason for Jihad and Syahid. Infact these are their only motivations to keep struggling. So there are no reasons for us to deny these privileges for them. And for me that is the plain truth for us to accept.
As for the ‘ghazwah al fikr’ or the psychological war, the strategies to win the heart of the world should not be confused and denying the jihad in order to prove this particular issue is a humanitarian crisis vs holy war. As it is for me, the proof clearly indicated the crisis need not to be proved further and this lead to legitimate holy war by muslims there. The muslims are also humans. It is a clear cut cause & impact.
I strongly believed, as a fellow muslim and in human brotherhood spirit, the call for jihad can be justify as long as we used the tools exist to us today (media.. media and media) as good as the Jews used it for their benefits (the holocaust - how many film in this genre?). So as in this matter, the jihad sentiment should not be oppressed, but the most important are to change the view of the world to this the issue as a holocaust, as bad as Hitler’s oppression, or even worst.

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